Instituted with the objective of designing and manufacturing products focusing on the wireless technology, CWD Innovation is filling the gaps in the hardware ecosystem with its unconventional approach towards the industry. An Information and Communication Technology company, CWD Innovation is steadfast on designing, developing, and selling Integrated Solutions combining the power of Software and Electronics. "CWD stands for Connected Wireless Devices. All the products that are designed and developed in the company are based on wireless technologies either on short or long-range communications" informs Tejas Ramniklal Kothari, Director, CWD Innovation.
A government recognized startup, CWD Innovation understands the need of the emerging IoT companies wherein it provides consumer electronics and solutions for enterprises. The company furnishes its products and solutions in mainly two verticals; BLE Modules and Communication Modules where it strives to bring a developed range of modules for varied applications including Industrial, Consumer and Business applications. Extending the power of BLE with wireless protocols like NB-IOT, WiFi and LoRA to maximise utility, all the modules listed by it are industrially accepted and certified. From Product Design, Electronics Design and Software Design, CWD Innovation mainly operates through the segment of Consumer Electronics and Design and Development of Technology Solutions for various Enterprises and Businesses.
With in-depth technical knowledge, the company has gained expertise in the design and development of feature-rich applications for mobility platforms and is creating the right kind of a product at an economical price. Being a licensed partner for many international companies, the company has been able to bring the right kind of
A government recognized startup, CWD Innovation understands the need of the emerging IoT companies wherein it provides consumer electronics and solutions for enterprises. The company furnishes its products and solutions in mainly two verticals; BLE Modules and Communication Modules where it strives to bring a developed range of modules for varied applications including Industrial, Consumer and Business applications. Extending the power of BLE with wireless protocols like NB-IOT, WiFi and LoRA to maximise utility, all the modules listed by it are industrially accepted and certified. From Product Design, Electronics Design and Software Design, CWD Innovation mainly operates through the segment of Consumer Electronics and Design and Development of Technology Solutions for various Enterprises and Businesses.
With in-depth technical knowledge, the company has gained expertise in the design and development of feature-rich applications for mobility platforms and is creating the right kind of a product at an economical price. Being a licensed partner for many international companies, the company has been able to bring the right kind of
technology and alliances to the ecosystem. “CWD is a recognized partner of Nordic Semiconductor ASA, offering not only design services and expertise on Nordic Semiconductor's wide range of short-and long-range ultra-low power wireless solutions, but also offering fully certified wireless modules significantly reducing customer's time to market when designing complex wireless systems," says Sodagudi Siddhartha Xavier, Director, CWD Innovation.

With several patents filed and having attained the recognition by Government of India StartUp Program DIPP 1963 via the Innovative Product Companies by IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) criteria, CWD Innovation never fails to go the extra mile to fulfill the requirements of its clients. The company has fostered partnerships across the world and its products have derived the best support and engineering. Based in India, the company also has its geographical presence in the markets of USA and Hong Kong.
"We understand the power of IoT and through our design cost-optimized, cutting edge solutions for enabling the sprinting of a client's business ahead, we are continuously working on leveraging this technology in a better way. Currently, India has a 10 mil-lion unit market in bluetooth wireless segment which is entirely imported. At CWD Innovations, we are aiming to do away with this contingency by addressing to the demand, thus mastering the space," they conclude.

With several patents filed and having attained the recognition by Government of India StartUp Program DIPP 1963 via the Innovative Product Companies by IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) criteria, CWD Innovation never fails to go the extra mile to fulfill the requirements of its clients. The company has fostered partnerships across the world and its products have derived the best support and engineering. Based in India, the company also has its geographical presence in the markets of USA and Hong Kong.
Being a licensed partner for many international companies, CWD Innovation has been able to bring the right kind of technology and alliances to the ecosystem
"We understand the power of IoT and through our design cost-optimized, cutting edge solutions for enabling the sprinting of a client's business ahead, we are continuously working on leveraging this technology in a better way. Currently, India has a 10 mil-lion unit market in bluetooth wireless segment which is entirely imported. At CWD Innovations, we are aiming to do away with this contingency by addressing to the demand, thus mastering the space," they conclude.