Pawan Gupta
The chief purpose of this venture is to help India in accomplishing its objective of conserving energy and availing it for the betterment of the environment. Staying true to its name, Gramlite which connotes Lighting Village has come up with the idea of teaching the common man the art of crafting LED bulbs by themselves. It has devised a kit known as the KhudBanao LED Kits which will assist them to develop various models of bulbs, tube lights, street lights and flood lights. This creation has for sure lightened up many homes and lives. LED Bulbs, Raw Materials, Gramlite Training Modules, Assessments, and Gramlite Certifications are some of the major offerings the company puts forward.
“Gramlite is an approach to empower the unemployed yet aspiring minds with skills and knowledge about the latest technology such as the making and usage of the LED bulbs. We are in a mission of educating the villagers of the nation to master the art of knowledge and skills of modelling various kinds of LED bulbs that best fit their needs. To enable this we have brought into picture the product KhudBanao LED Kits, utilizing which they can design bulbs as per they choice,” says Pawan Gupta, Founder, Gramlite.
The company has explored, analysed and singled out the scopes and opportunities that prevail in the rural as well as semirural India.
To guide people with the information and procedure of using the products, Gramlite has orchestrated online LMS (Learning Management System) and PMKVY program. These help the enthusiasts to absorb the skills at a warping speed.
In essence, the company perceived the actuality that affordable and clean energy can boost up the livelihood of the common people as it will carve a ways of improving both their health and income. This is exactly what the Gramlite keeps in mind while whittling the products, keeping in mind to make it handy and within the budget. In the main, it is living by the percipience that complementing the skills of the commoners can magnify their social, financial and economic conditions. “Our mission is to make the concept of entrepreneurship close to each and every person living in this country. As any skill once inculcated in a person, he/ she instinctively incorporates for developing new inventions and ameliorate their circumstances,” says he.
The Journey
As upright the concept is, it is definite for an organization like Gramlite to live a well-regarded journey. From the time of its inception the company has extended its services to over 3000 villages and has influenced thousands in the several small and micro districts. Enduring many challenges and doubts, it has evolved and reached the pinnacle of success. Th-is pure and simple approach did make room in the hearts of the public. Apart from serving Indian clients, the company has and are been developing models in Sudan, Ethiopia, and Central Africa regions.
The Team
If truth be told, the progression of Gramlite would not have gone strong, had it not have the support of a productive and inventive team. The vision and mission of the company is approvingly carried off by its team. They are always excited about assisting people, find their motif, and support them with effective skills, training or learning. To be supportive to this adroit workforce, the company does take up measures that can make them feel valued and appreciated. It has been observing a healthy work culture that gives the employees opportune space to flourish and obtain their end in views. They are bestowed with suitable perks and flexibilities that allow them to maintain the string between their work and personal life. The firm does appreciates passion, learning and grasping abilities, positive attitude and above all aptitude.
With such noble vocation, determination and the support of an agile team, the company did gain the confidence to stride towards its mission of creating self-employment opportunities in the rural market. Gramlite has also planned to set its foot in national as well as international market by extending itself to countries like Nepal, Bhutan. In short, it strides to create a self-sustaining community based/rural entrepreneur by adopting latest technology supporting energy conservation.
• Led Bulbs
• Khudbanao Kit
• Raw Materials
• Learning Videos & Photos
• Led Bulbs
In essence, the company perceived the actuality that affordable and clean energy can boost up the livelihood of the common people as it will carve a ways of improving both their health and income. This is exactly what the Gramlite keeps in mind while whittling the products, keeping in mind to make it handy and within the budget. In the main, it is living by the percipience that complementing the skills of the commoners can magnify their social, financial and economic conditions. “Our mission is to make the concept of entrepreneurship close to each and every person living in this country. As any skill once inculcated in a person, he/ she instinctively incorporates for developing new inventions and ameliorate their circumstances,” says he.
Gramlite is an approach to empower the unemployed yet aspiring minds with skills and knowledge about the latest technology such as the making and usage of the led bulbs
The Journey
As upright the concept is, it is definite for an organization like Gramlite to live a well-regarded journey. From the time of its inception the company has extended its services to over 3000 villages and has influenced thousands in the several small and micro districts. Enduring many challenges and doubts, it has evolved and reached the pinnacle of success. Th-is pure and simple approach did make room in the hearts of the public. Apart from serving Indian clients, the company has and are been developing models in Sudan, Ethiopia, and Central Africa regions.
The Team
If truth be told, the progression of Gramlite would not have gone strong, had it not have the support of a productive and inventive team. The vision and mission of the company is approvingly carried off by its team. They are always excited about assisting people, find their motif, and support them with effective skills, training or learning. To be supportive to this adroit workforce, the company does take up measures that can make them feel valued and appreciated. It has been observing a healthy work culture that gives the employees opportune space to flourish and obtain their end in views. They are bestowed with suitable perks and flexibilities that allow them to maintain the string between their work and personal life. The firm does appreciates passion, learning and grasping abilities, positive attitude and above all aptitude.
With such noble vocation, determination and the support of an agile team, the company did gain the confidence to stride towards its mission of creating self-employment opportunities in the rural market. Gramlite has also planned to set its foot in national as well as international market by extending itself to countries like Nepal, Bhutan. In short, it strides to create a self-sustaining community based/rural entrepreneur by adopting latest technology supporting energy conservation.
• Led Bulbs
• Khudbanao Kit
• Raw Materials
• Learning Videos & Photos
• Led Bulbs