Praveen Nair, Founder CEO
In a transformational era where digital technologies are ruling the world, visionary business leaders have been seen constantly trying to harness the power of the digital technologies for their needs towards customer reach, customer engagement and customer experience. A diverse market as India is yet in its nascent stages but is slowly building up. Traditionally it is not easy to build visibility for businesses without spending big money on marketing. Grapevine Digital has embarked on a journey to enable a change in India by providing businesses with a media network that is premium with the right level of reach to the customers while making it affordable. They aim to help brands to do targeted demographic-based ads delivery and enable innovative customer engagement opportunities.
Thiruvananthapuram based Grapevine has emerged as one of the largest Dynamic Digital Signage Networks in South India with presence in major hot spots for customer impression and engagement. The company plans to provide demographic visibility to the advertisers while they
choose outdoor/indoor/interactive options. “We plan to spread the network across India leveraging
our connected business model, innovative technical solutions and partner eco system,” speaks Praveen Nair - Founder &CEO, Grapevine Digital.
" Grapevine’s network has a reach of over 3.75 Crores per month across South India "
Team Grapevine sees clear advantages of using Digital Signages for brand campaigns and offers cloud-based advertisement campaigns on digital video screens placed at outdoor and indoor strategic points – which means the campaign content in the form of videos or images get pushed over Internet to the connected displays within minutes.
With their unique business model, advertisers subscribe to ad slots of 15 seconds or 30 seconds duration with 1500-2000 creative inserts per month per screen and decide what to show, what to change and when to change without any additional expenses unlike the traditional ad media. “ Manageability is far better thanks to new technologies we employ for ensuring availability of the whole eco-system. Advertisers get systemic proof of play on the campaigns run – to get the real picture of value vs spend. Our network has a reach of over 3.75 Crores per month across South India,” informs Praveen.
The Evolution of Grapevine Digital
Praveen has worked in the corporate space for nearly two decades advising customers
spanning various industries and
" Grapevine’s network has a reach of over 3.75 Crores per month across South India "
Team Grapevine sees clear advantages of using Digital Signages for brand campaigns and offers cloud-based advertisement campaigns on digital video screens placed at outdoor and indoor strategic points – which means the campaign content in the form of videos or images get pushed over Internet to the connected displays within minutes.
With their unique business model, advertisers subscribe to ad slots of 15 seconds or 30 seconds duration with 1500-2000 creative inserts per month per screen and decide what to show, what to change and when to change without any additional expenses unlike the traditional ad media. “ Manageability is far better thanks to new technologies we employ for ensuring availability of the whole eco-system. Advertisers get systemic proof of play on the campaigns run – to get the real picture of value vs spend. Our network has a reach of over 3.75 Crores per month across South India,” informs Praveen.
The Evolution of Grapevine Digital
Praveen has worked in the corporate space for nearly two decades advising customers
spanning various industries and
geographies. This has helped him understanding successful business models and importance of marketing. He has perceived that Digital Signages as a medium for marketing is indorsing the focus of businesses on touching the right customer at the right time at the right price. “We expect Digital Signages to evolve into a major contender in the customer reach segment,” he mentions.
Grapevine has successfully surpassed the initial hurdles and has channelled their focus on business awareness and long-standing relationships. “This has helped us in the long run – as we have reached the right scale and we have businesses reaching out to work with us organically,” Praveen proudly states.
A bootstrapped brand with a core team having collective corporate experience of over 100 years, Grapevine has added 50+ clients over the past 6-8 months and more in the pipeline. Leading their revenue growth stream is Russel M whose focus and relentless efforts to scale up the awareness and business engagement for the brand has been one of the key success factors so far.
Team Grapevine is said to have a multi-faceted roadmap for the future. Be it the CSR initiatives or releasing commercial products in partnership with experts to help the Digital Signage industry move faster in India and reach the global standards, Grapevine Digital directs to a brighter future!
Grapevine has successfully surpassed the initial hurdles and has channelled their focus on business awareness and long-standing relationships. “This has helped us in the long run – as we have reached the right scale and we have businesses reaching out to work with us organically,” Praveen proudly states.
A bootstrapped brand with a core team having collective corporate experience of over 100 years, Grapevine has added 50+ clients over the past 6-8 months and more in the pipeline. Leading their revenue growth stream is Russel M whose focus and relentless efforts to scale up the awareness and business engagement for the brand has been one of the key success factors so far.
Team Grapevine is said to have a multi-faceted roadmap for the future. Be it the CSR initiatives or releasing commercial products in partnership with experts to help the Digital Signage industry move faster in India and reach the global standards, Grapevine Digital directs to a brighter future!