Prachi Patil
As an agency, Dig It All Marketing believes in evaluating the performance indicators for brands than indicating the number of brands they assist. Its esteemed clientele includes startups, celebrities and well-established brands. "We are growth hackers and completely understand how difficult it is to shell out the money for anything. Our forte
includes content marketing, YouTube marketing, to mention a few," says Prachi Patil, Co-founder, Dig It All Marketing.
Overcoming the Adversities
Simply put, digital marketing can-not be ignored. An effectively executed marketing and advertising campaign can serve the needs of any business 10 times better. But times have changed, and while the need for marketing is still essential, the choice of picking up the effective one has changed a lot. It's a big market and there are already many players - big and small. The real threats are fresh individuals who claim to know-it-all and are ready to work at very cheap rates. This affects quality in a big way. Also, such clients evaluate agencies based on money and not deliverables or results. Besides, there are limited apps. Moreover, there are old and big agencies that have inked them-selves in the industry and clients have particular preferences for them.
The team at Dig It All Marketing has a clear lookout to face these challenges. The company houses a team of experts who chalk down the strategy and a team of young minds along with the others to ideate as per the new generation and technology. "Our objective is to deliver the best! To meet this objective our core (management) and spine (team) are what we completely bank on. We have a process even to define our agency name- we hear you, study you, understand your objective, draw a strategy, ideate plan A and B, test the strategy, build on reviews and restructure. Hence we Dig It All!" smiles Prachi.
What's Best Next?
Dig It All Marketing commenced its operations by working with a couple of startups and celebrities to manage. Now, the team has graduated to some well-known personalities and even international brands. A self-funded company, it is open to investors and partners. "Dig It All is a go-getter and a trendsetter. And we wish to continue with our current strategy of young minds and create simple and meaningful digital experiences to help clients attract and engage their customers. We are at the intersection of creativity, technology, and strategy, leveraging our expertise to some of the best brands," she concludes.
Overcoming the Adversities
Simply put, digital marketing can-not be ignored. An effectively executed marketing and advertising campaign can serve the needs of any business 10 times better. But times have changed, and while the need for marketing is still essential, the choice of picking up the effective one has changed a lot. It's a big market and there are already many players - big and small. The real threats are fresh individuals who claim to know-it-all and are ready to work at very cheap rates. This affects quality in a big way. Also, such clients evaluate agencies based on money and not deliverables or results. Besides, there are limited apps. Moreover, there are old and big agencies that have inked them-selves in the industry and clients have particular preferences for them.
The team at Dig It All Marketing has a clear lookout to face these challenges. The company houses a team of experts who chalk down the strategy and a team of young minds along with the others to ideate as per the new generation and technology. "Our objective is to deliver the best! To meet this objective our core (management) and spine (team) are what we completely bank on. We have a process even to define our agency name- we hear you, study you, understand your objective, draw a strategy, ideate plan A and B, test the strategy, build on reviews and restructure. Hence we Dig It All!" smiles Prachi.
As an agency, Dig It All Marketing believes in evaluating the performance indicators for brands than indicating the number of brands they assist
What's Best Next?
Dig It All Marketing commenced its operations by working with a couple of startups and celebrities to manage. Now, the team has graduated to some well-known personalities and even international brands. A self-funded company, it is open to investors and partners. "Dig It All is a go-getter and a trendsetter. And we wish to continue with our current strategy of young minds and create simple and meaningful digital experiences to help clients attract and engage their customers. We are at the intersection of creativity, technology, and strategy, leveraging our expertise to some of the best brands," she concludes.