
Nftverse: Bringing The Future At Grasp With One-Stop Web 3.0 Infrastructure

Rahul Prasad, Co-Founder & CEO,Neel Kamal, Founder & CTO

Rahul Prasad, Co-Founder & CEO

Neel Kamal, Founder & CTO

When it comes to implementing NFTs and other Web 3.0 components, it is a time-consuming procedure. Integrating Web 3.0 solutions into existing Web 2.0 products is a burdensome task for any Web 2.0 company. As a result, looking at the existing market solutions, there is a gap that needs to be closed between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. NFTVERSE is a one-stop Web 3.0 infrastructure that allows users to tokenize any digital or physical commodity.

With its powerful infrastructure, it is possible to tokenize any asset in minutes. NFTVERSE’s tokenization solution is applicable for schools, colleges, and organizations to tokenize certificates, mark sheets, degrees, experience letters, and more. NFTVERSE assists brands in developing digital twins of their products and integrating checkout into their existing e-commerce websites.

The NFT can be used to prove ownership and aid in the prevention of counterfeiting. NFTVERSE's technology can be used to build a token-gated part on the brand's existing website, allowing for exclusive access to the brand's items & running loyalty programs. Apart from proof of ownership, Brands' NFTs can be useful in games and the metaverse.
NFTVERSE is developing a Web 3.0 launchpad for game creators to integrate brand NFTs into their games. Furthermore, NFTVERSE has created a wallet infra that can be embedded into any web page by adding a few lines of code. With this, the company is bringing Web 3.0 to Web 2.0 users where they already exist, rather than attempting to transfer them to a new wallet or environment; thereby allowing brands to incorporate Web 3.0 into their existing infrastructure, allowing them to smoothly enroll even Web 2.0 customers to Web 3.0. “Here, a user is onboarded in a custodial wallet, but they also have access to their keys, and we gradually educate users about Web 3.0 so that they can manage their keys responsibly.

They can rekey their account whenever they are ready to have complete selfcustody”, explains Neel Kamal, Founder & CTO at NFTVERSE. “Today, one of the key hurdles that brands are facing today is their inability to engage with GenZ people. More than 100 million people play games like Fortnite and Roblox, with 70 percent of them being under the age of 16. Creating a digital doppelganger of their product can assist firms in connecting with Gen Z, millennials, and Gen Alpha users. Our solution makes this transition easier for brands”, he further adds. Neel Kamal brings 10 years of industry experience in startups like Lead Squared, Cropin Technology (Principal Engineer), and Eloelo (VP of Engineering).

Joyride Games (Web 3.0 gaming) is his most recent engagement. Furthermore, Rahul Prasad, the company's Co-Founder, and CEO has 10+ years of industry experience from businesses such as Paytm, PLAYZIO, DOORMINT, and Limetray. His most recent work experience was with COINDCX, India's largest cryptocurrency exchange. They both bring unrivaled experience in developing Web 3.0 and crypto products. Apart from developing NFT infrastructure, NFTVERSE is also developing its core product, Tale Wallet.

This will make it much easier to transition consumers to Web 3.0. NFTVERSE will eventually enter the defi space via Tale Wallet and develop numerous protocols in Defi. Currently, over 2500 Tale coin holders have received Tale coins for completing their KYC in the company's wallet. “We have already launched our utility token 'Tale Coin' for our ecosystem. Currently, if you want to conduct transactions on many chains, you must use the native token of each chain. But, with a Tale coin, you will be able to pay the gas fee on multiple chains with a single token”, highlights Rahul Prasad, Co-Founder & CEO at NFTVERSE. Going forward, NFTVERSE will soon be going to do ICO of Tale Coin and after building the utility, it will go for listing on the exchange.