
Radtar: Driven to Streamline & Organize the Jackfruit Industry

Joice Mathew Pandiyathu, CEOJackfruit stands as a significant crop in India, notably flourishing in states such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Assam, and others. Recognized as the future fruit and a prominent vegan food source, India produces approximately 1.8 million tons of jackfruit annually (as of 2019). While jackfruit is commonly grown organically in homesteads and secondary forest regions, the cultivation process often lacks precision and specialized care. Despite its prominence, the jackfruit industry remains predominantly unorganized. To pioneer the first-ever value chain initiative in the jackfruit sector and advocate for organized cultivation practices in line with industry standards, RADTAR (Rural Agricultural Development Technology and Research), a Kerala-based agricultural startup, offers turnkey integrated solutions to address challenges within the sector.

The Jackfruit Value Chain Project

RADTAR is a young startup founded to transform every farmer into an agripreneur, enabling them to develop profitable and healthier lifestyles. Among the various value offerings that the company provides, a significant project on which the company is currently focused is Jackfruit world. This project is designed to revolutionize the farmers’ connections to all stakeholders in the jackfruit industry. The company envisions the organization of the jackfruit industry by streamlining diverse SOPs, ultimately culminating in an industry where wastage of the produce is minimized.

The inspiration behind Jackfruit world arises
from India's vast jackfruit potential. With a staggering 70 percent wastage, the vision is to convert the jackfruit value chain into a sustainable income source for rural communities, positioning India as a leader in the global jackfruit market", says Joice Mathew Pandiyathu, CEO.

Beyond Jackfruitworld, RADTAR also provides comprehensive techno-logically-driven agriculture solutions, including development, market access, and Industry 4.0 technology integrations (AI, ML, Blockchain, and IoT). The company's flagship offerings encompass the Academy for Capacity Building, Farming as a Service, and Agroctor - an AI-based initiative for pest and disease management. As a result of these pioneering initiatives, the firm has been recognized as a selected startup by ICAR-IARI Pusa Krishi Delhi and ICAR KVK, CARD Pathanamthitta. RADTAR is associated with the Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology Meerut—Centre for Agricultural Informatics and E-Governance Research Studies for the research and development of the Jackfruit Value Chain across our nation.

Transforming agriculture through innovation & technology, RADTAR empowers every farmer to thrive in the modern agricultural landscape, ensuring sustainable growth & prosperity

Future Initiatives

“Our vision is establishing a technologically enabled global Jackfruit ecosystem that empowers farmers and associated stakeholders, and ethnobotanical studies for its medicinal properties. Our mission is to revolutionize the global Jackfruit ecosystem by leveraging technology to connect the dots, create value, and foster sustainable agricultural practices. Through our platform, we aim to foster economic growth, reduce waste, and enhance livelihoods for farmers and communities", further shares Nija Abraham, Managing Partner.

Aligned with its vision and mission, the company aims to establish an ecosystem wherein farmers, as well as the produce, thrive in a sustainable and tech-driven setting. For the achievement of these goals, the company’s future roadmap consists of strategies like expanding its value chain through collaborations with NGOs, FPCs, and SHGs - fostering a dynamic network of agri-tech startups. By harnessing the potential of advanced technologies, the company is gearing up to uplift rural communities through economic development. Positioned as a frontrunner in the industry,the company is dedicated to revolutionizing the agricultural landscape in India, and with continued efforts in the right direction, is poised to achieve its goals of sectoral transformation.