Arulselvar Thomas
Founder & Director
BriskInfosec is one of the prominent players in this space laying its expertise in the development of cutting-edge Information security services, products, and compliance solutions while meeting the end-to-end specification of the customers on a global scale. "We adhere to the collaborative nature when working on a project with our customers; it is not just We telling Them what to do rather it is Us together working on their project” emphasizes Arulselvar Thomas, Founder & Director at Briskinfosec.
An Edge Over the Others
Briskinfosec ensures to stay transparent in every approach wherein the clients are fully aware of the operations at each level. In fact, the firm has a specific portal dedicated to this, Lura Portal, where the clients can see their own dashboard with all the problem and solution statements as opposed to the other cyber-security companies employing traditional methods of tracking emails, PDFs, and XLS files for VA/PT reports and status. Moreover, it is often seen that cybersecurity companies employ automated robotic systems to identify loopholes or vulnerabilities.
The firm on the other hand stresses more on the manual intervention, with a dedicated team cross verifying everything manually rather than relying solely on robotic applications. The firm also strives to raise a lot of awareness among the people and educate them through social media, not for the purpose of business or monetary gain, but to make them fully wary of the new tools
Services at Par
BriskInfosec service portfolio includes four flagship offerings: ISO 27001, Virtual Cybersecurity Services, MSSP, and VAPT services. To begin, the firm is effectively assisting companies in implementing ISO 27001, which deals with information security, as well as helping them in certification. Briskinfosec is itself an ISO 27001 compliant company as it firmly believes that while protecting somebody's information, one needs to be well placed to take care of the requirements of cyber security or other data security of anyone it deals with.
Virtual Cybersecurity service is another aspect that the firm excels in. Many companies irrespective of the size that release applications, websites, or any digital assets, often don't want to hire a cybersecurity team permanently. To address this, the firm has created a virtual cybersecurity team for those to employ people virtually as per their mandate requirement. MSSP, on the other hand, aids big corporations who require a cybersecurity team on a permanent basis to manage their diverse service portfolio.
The firm strives to raise a lot of awareness among the people and educate them through social media, to make them fully wary of the new tools and vulnerabilities that surround them
The firm helps such corporations hire proficient professionals in a much more streamlined manner. For instance, the firm is working with a health insurance company of repute wherein it has deployed its personnel and is taking care of its infrastructure, application, and incident response system. Finally, the firm's VAPT(Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing)service is functional across any digital asset,from applications, Android, iOS, websites, web-based applications, infrastructure review, cloud, to secure code.
Further, Briskinfosec has developed a product for testing the website, websitepentest.com, which is offered on a subscription basis with three basic plans; basic, mid and high, for securing a client's website for an entire year. Arulselvar Thomas adds, "Generally, people don't worry about their website. They say that we just have static data on the website, so why should we be concerned? However, we believe otherwise. A website serves as a showroom for a client's company.

If something goes wrong with the showroom, it will undoubtedly have an impact on their reputation”. Briskinfosec is also coming up with a cloud solution, and working on a cloud-based platform where it can integrate, provide security as well as train people on the same.
Since its inception in 2015, Briskinfosec has grown exponentially and carved a niche for itself not just in India but on the international front across Mexico, the US, Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia owing to its standardized quality work and word of mouth. And as it forges ahead, the firm is looking to spread its footprint in every nook and corner of India as well as across the globe.