Ganesh Subramanian & Ram Prakash H
Founder&CEO & Co-Founder&Chief Scientist
Everyone is looking forward to wear something exceptional and is revamping their wardrobe to suit daily occasions. For an instance, fashion blogger Aayushi Banngur (StyleDrive) featured maxi pleated skirts twice in the last two months and collected a total of 6k+ likes on Instagram. Pallavi Ruhail, on the other hand, wore a sequined pencil skirt to the Polo League launch gala and received 1512 likes in just 2 weeks!!!
With the agenda of helping fashion brands and retailers ‘Earn More & Burn Less’with consumer driven insights,Stylumia has over 20 clients at the moment
Scanning the web for such trends in retail and other media, using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning is Stylumia, where machine helps data-curate global fashion trends. They provide deep visual insights on products that work, generate real-time validation of new product ideas. The company helps fashion professionals take fashion risks with less risk and introduce new products with shorter ‘Go to Market’ cycles.
Art + Science = Fashion Intelligence
Ganesh Subramanian, Ex COO, Myntra, and Ram Prakash H, the creator of Quillpad, were united by the love of technology and more importantly to create an impact in the Fashion Industry. It all started with Ganesh, whose work reverbs in the fashion Industry and Ram, who loves to solve complex math problems started out by asking this question: Can machines jump in here with more reliable, data driven and actionable suggestions to help design professionals and consumers alike, in real time?
Well, this was just the beginning – a perfect combination of art and science resulted in creating a first of its kind product. “Fashion is an art. Any amount of articulation or narration cannot do justice to fashion. Hence, traditional big data analytics using tags will always come short in creating actionable insights. With advances in technology, in particular deep learning and computer vision, machines can now operate at the level of human perception. What we are building is a visual intelligence using AI, to enable the decision makers in fashion, like designers, buyers, merchandisers and business heads, take informed decisions,” says Ganesh.
Stylumia delivers real-time consumer driven insights and helps Fashion brands and Retailers ‘Earn More & Burn Less’. Having started its operation in India with over 20 clients at the moment, Stylumia has already signed up with clients internationally. Discussing the future plans, Ganesh says, “From product perspective, we launched our version 2.0 in November 2016, this has got encouraging response from the industry. We are innovating continuously in collaboration with our clients and you should expect our next version launching in the coming months. Our next version is a step jump and will help our users experience Artificial Intelligence with a no-touch UI. After setting our footprints in India and testing clients in few countries, we will scale globally as well. India is now capable of producing cutting edge product companies and we are proud be building one."
Stylumia delivers real-time consumer driven insights and helps Fashion brands and Retailers ‘Earn More & Burn Less’. Having started its operation in India with over 20 clients at the moment, Stylumia has already signed up with clients internationally. Discussing the future plans, Ganesh says, “From product perspective, we launched our version 2.0 in November 2016, this has got encouraging response from the industry. We are innovating continuously in collaboration with our clients and you should expect our next version launching in the coming months. Our next version is a step jump and will help our users experience Artificial Intelligence with a no-touch UI. After setting our footprints in India and testing clients in few countries, we will scale globally as well. India is now capable of producing cutting edge product companies and we are proud be building one."