
Fitness for All - the Koochie way

Roben Dass, Founder Chairman Managing Director,  Koochie Play Systems Pvt LtdIndia is developing at an unfore seen rate today. With the growth of more cities, more industrialization ,socio economic development, comes along changing age-structure, changing lifestyles, and a growing burden of non communicable diseases. In India, non communicable diseases (NCDs) are responsible for 61%of all deaths in the country (approx. 5.8 million people) according to data released by WHO on September 18, 2017. “Almost 23 precent of the population is at risk of premature death due to such diseases. Of these cancer, diabetes and heart diseases account for 55 percent of the premature mortality in India in the age group of 30-69 years”, according to a report of TOI.

The prevalence of hypertension ranges from 16% to18% amongst the adult population in urban areas states WHO. A more recent WHO report estimates that approx.62 million diabetic Indians are currently diagnosed with the disease. Indians seem to have a genetic predisposition towards diabetes.

This becomes manifest on exposure to richer diet and consequent increase in body weight. This is perhaps also borne out by the temporal trends in diabetes prevalence in India.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fitness is defined as 'the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigour and alertness, with out undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure time pur suits and respond to emergencies.' Based on this definition, fitness involves everything from getting out of bed, to hiking, to performing CPR.

In order to complete all of these tasks, one must consistently address their fitness levels. This requires proper conditioning through both structured exercise and leisurely activities.

In lieu of the above, a striking observation reveals the need for the emergence of the concept - ‘Holistic Fitness’. This goes deeper than a 6-pack or sharply defined biceps.

To understand what it means to betruly fit, a
perception and an understanding of fitness at all levels, is essential. Holistic fitness encompasses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Koochie recognizes a holistic fitness model that can revolutionize fitness in India is inclusive, non biased, flexible, adaptable and transcends age, location, body type, gender, body weight, disease and class.

This holistic fitness approach gives people a chance to work out in fresh air, which has more health benefits, invoking a shift in attitude towards wellness and inducing anotion of whole someness.

A holistic fitness approach gives people a chance to work out in fresh air, which has more health benefits, invoking a shift in attitude towards wellness and inducing a notion of wholesomeness

To think in terms of fitness, health, design, tools/equipment for fitness and public/private places to install them and bringing all of it together for a comprehensive solution.

Thus, a rising concern that can be constructively addressed

-How to create the environment for holistic health and stimulate Fitness for all through tech, design, world class outdoor fitness equipment &people in India?

Certainly, by revolutionizing the approach to health and fitness for the public, providing a combination of physical fitness and use of technology in design of relevant equipment, will help preventive health care.

For Kids
By changing the way this world (kids) plays – Creating/Designing world class, international safety standard certified children playground equipment which includes complex multi play systems that have various modules such as, swings, rock walls, climbers, monkey bars, balancing stones and slides just to name a few. A lot of thought and design goes into developing safe and most important fun play grounds. They are scientifically designed not only to ensure a fun but also to help develop various skills of the children using the equipment. They are also designed to double up as an ‘outdoor gym’ that little children can use to ‘work out’ and develop their motor skills whilst still have fun. Most importantly, exposure to a multi-sensorial environment not only fosters overall development in children, also provides for hands-on learning experiences.

For Adults
Outdoor fitness equipment can be installed in parks, residential complexes, resorts etc, and form an important part of any growing city. A range of equipment including an elliptical trainer, a chest press, lat pull down, parallel bars, and exer cycles helps the wholesome development. The equipment are of low impact, which means they are body weight resistance based – one’s own body weight is used as resistance thus greatly reducing the chances of grievous injuries.

Sports and exercise professionals can provide strength, cardio vascular, flexibility as well as balance & co-ordination training for all the major muscle groups and for all ages and abilities. The use of these equipment makes exercise available to all while encouraging the use of green spaces, healthier living, social interaction and fitness and most importantly getting people outdoors. These units can be installed in a variety of public locations such as residential condominiums, public parks, beaches, school campuses, playgrounds, resorts, hotels, prisons , and many more.

In the legendary words of Aristotle,“We are what we repeatedly do”- indeed, this is the new mantra that each of us could adopt to inspire, nurture and transform our lives towards complete well being.