E-Learning: A Boon to Tackle Problems of Education Industry during the Pandemic

Amidst the suffering, business for are witnessing tremendous downfall. The interesting pattern that emerged in the observance is,Covid-19’s impact on businesses? It shows that it has strike down many industries but favours most digital businesses, though not all, and it also favours some physical or atom businesses, including e-commerce or even hand sanitizers.
“All businesses hit by Covid-19 have one factor in common: they bring people together in near proximity — such as travel hubs or airports, gyms, offline educational classes etc. Even if you are a purely digital firm, say online travel ticketing or a rideshare service, your customer will consume the service you are selling in proximity to another customer.
And if there is hesitation to consume the product or service, then your sales take a hit too. Uber and Ola have seen rides drop over a third since the crisis,” says SajithPai, Investorat Blume Ventures.
Facts about Education Sector
The online platforms in this case are tremendously thriving and ofcourse the edtech segment as well. As we know, technology has impacted the education segment over the past years. Till some time ago, education
across the globe was confined to benches, blackboard and a teacher within a classroom, making it very simple. But today, it has come over the traditional barriers and has plunged into naming a new domain, that is, Internet Education or e-Learning.
The limitations till a pencil or a pen and a notebook today has been transformed into a portal whereby a learner can practice English online, upload homework, ask for doubts and get clearance, and learn sciences through 3D- dimension techniques. Such has been the rise of technological advancement helping education during the pandemic. Moreover, the scenario demands more a rapid improvement.
This definitely has come in handy for people to learn more. This has not just turned as a resting time but a time to enhance knowledge. And, for this platforms like Coursera, Udemyand others are being immensely supportive.
Focus on Schools & Colleges
Even after the current lockdown is lifted, chances are that social distancing restrictions will persist, preventing congregation in classrooms. The present crisis has now precipitated a three-fold challenge for premiere institutes to provide online, undisrupted education that is high-quality, scalable and secure. Amidst this chaos, COVID crisis has not affected the education system in a larger way.
Online classes, online admission process, interviews are very naturally proceeded.The need to bring glaring changes in the education system has coerced the education leaders to embrace technology to change its framework and components during this calamity.
As per reports, the online education market in India is to grow at a CAGR of 20.02 per cent during the period 2017-2021, with the outbreak it has shown manifold increase rate. Availing methodologies such as online discussion boards, flipped class-room, synchronous instruction, blended learning and many other modern courses of actions, the e-learning platform is influencing the learning processes in an effective way.
Hence, to further up-grade the teaching and studying techniques, the startups in the field, schools and institutions are facilitating better learning; interactions with adept professors or lecturers, providing lectures that are either written or recorded. And to enable students glean these facilities at anytime and anywhere.
This has, however, upshot the advent of a far-reaching the students with rigorous trainings and materials. The potentiality has magnetized many opportunities the education sector in India.
The limitations till a pencil or a pen and a notebook today has been transformed into a portal whereby a learner can practice English online, upload homework, ask for doubts and get clearance, and learn sciences through 3D- dimension techniques. Such has been the rise of technological advancement helping education during the pandemic. Moreover, the scenario demands more a rapid improvement.
This definitely has come in handy for people to learn more. This has not just turned as a resting time but a time to enhance knowledge. And, for this platforms like Coursera, Udemyand others are being immensely supportive.
Focus on Schools & Colleges
Even after the current lockdown is lifted, chances are that social distancing restrictions will persist, preventing congregation in classrooms. The present crisis has now precipitated a three-fold challenge for premiere institutes to provide online, undisrupted education that is high-quality, scalable and secure. Amidst this chaos, COVID crisis has not affected the education system in a larger way.
Online classes, online admission process, interviews are very naturally proceeded.The need to bring glaring changes in the education system has coerced the education leaders to embrace technology to change its framework and components during this calamity.
As per reports, the online education market in India is to grow at a CAGR of 20.02 per cent during the period 2017-2021, with the outbreak it has shown manifold increase rate. Availing methodologies such as online discussion boards, flipped class-room, synchronous instruction, blended learning and many other modern courses of actions, the e-learning platform is influencing the learning processes in an effective way.
Hence, to further up-grade the teaching and studying techniques, the startups in the field, schools and institutions are facilitating better learning; interactions with adept professors or lecturers, providing lectures that are either written or recorded. And to enable students glean these facilities at anytime and anywhere.
This has, however, upshot the advent of a far-reaching the students with rigorous trainings and materials. The potentiality has magnetized many opportunities the education sector in India.