
Startups: The Green Influencers Spearheading Sustainable Practices to Promote 'Sustainability'


Eco-friendly Packaging

During the period 2001 to 2011, the amount of plastic waste generated by India alone was nearly 7 million metric tons per year & it is projected to rise to over 50 million metric tons per year in 2041. Startups focused on Waste management in India are designing & implementing effective practices to minimize the waste generation of brands in their operations. They offer imminent sustainable packaging solutions using compostable materials such as reusable containers, recycled plastics, paper packaging, plant-based packaging solutions & so on. For instance, Forest Essentials, a traditional & Ayurveda-based skincare product brand collaborates with compostable packaging providers & distributes their products via eco-friendly pouches & glass jars.

Sustainability is a trend of the decade for all types of businesses! Startups are evolving with the revolutionary methodologies of setting new standards & driving significant changes by embedding sustainability into each & every core operation & inspiring others to get into the sustainability protocol!!

Greenhandle, a Mumbai-based startup acts as a B2B sustainable packaging platform. It offers diverse packaging solutions for brands with the concept of ‘No Plastic’ & provides eco-friendly alternatives for food packaging, bakery packaging, corporate packaging, occasional packaging & so on. And Mushloop is a Bengaluru-based sustainable packaging startup that swaps the usage of single-use & Styrofoam plastics with sustainable packing elements made with agricultural wastes & mycelium.