
Shaku Live: A Platform To Showcase Talent & Gain Recognition

Sandeep Kumar Shakuniya ,  FounderThe live-streaming industry has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, fueled by the increasing demand for real-time digital content and interactive experiences. However, it was the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic that served as a catalyst, propelling the popularity of live streaming to new heights. Sandeep Kumar Shakuniya, a certified developer from Whitehat Junior and the visionary behind Shaku Live, recognized this surge in demand and seized the opportunity to create a platform that would cater specifically to the needs of Indian users.

Shaku Live was born in 2020, with the Sanskrit word 'Shaku' meaning 'a helping hand' a fitting name for an app designed to assist both streamers and viewers alike.

Unlike existing applications in India, Shaku Live stands out for its emphasis on web-based live streaming. “We observed there was a lack of well-developed apps offering robust live streaming capabilities in the Indian market. During my experience as a YouTube streamer, I realized the existing options were inadequate to meet my requirements, which inspired me to create an app where my audience could connect with me directly”, states Shakuniya, Founder of Shaku Live.

Another motivation for creating Shaku Live was the dominance of Chinese-owned live-streaming apps in India.
Determined to offer a homegrown alternative, Shakuniya set out to create an app that would resonate with Indian users and provide them with a platform to showcase their talents.

Shaku Live started as a humble solo IRL live-streaming app but has since evolved into a comprehensive platform. Shakuniya, with the support of his parents, spearheaded the development and launch of the application on the Play Store. Over time, Shaku Live introduced various features, including games, multi-live streaming, voice chat, spotlight rooms, and talent rooms. The spotlight functions empower new streamers and talented individuals, providing them with the opportunity to gain popularity and recognition.

In terms of revenue, Shaku Live employs a virtual currency system consisting of coins and diamonds. Users can purchase these virtual currencies through Play Store, Paytm, and other payment interfaces to support their favorite streamers. Additionally, Shaku Live generates revenue through events, ads, and games hosted on the platform.

Determined to offer a homegrown alternative, Shakuniya set out to create an app that would resonate with Indian users & provide them with a platform to showcase their talents

Shaku Live has witnessed impressive growth, with a user base of nearly 200,000 individuals distributed across India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and more. The platform's success can be attributed to a strategic marketing approach, relying primarily on social media promotion and word-of-mouth recommendations. Hosting events on the application has further incentivized users to invite others and share their experiences, leading to organic growth and increased engagement.

Shaku Live has an ambitious roadmap, which includes expanding the user base and creating more apps to provide a comprehensive experience. Shaku Live is also actively working on a brand influence project that aims to connect influencers, brands, endorsement providers, and agencies. Furthermore, Shaku Live plans to venture into the online marketplace, incorporating live shopping streams and gaming features. “With these strategies in place, they aim to achieve a user base of at least 10 million across all our apps within the next two to three years. And as the live streaming industry continues to evolve, we consistently strive to help people connect, share, and showcase their talents in the digital realm”, concludes Shakuniya.