Born out of the vision to assist people deal with any sort of mechanical failure of motor vehicles, anywhere and at any hour of the day, RSA AUTO i CARE an automotive service aggregator came into being in 2015. RSA AUTO i CARE delivers a gamut of road assistance services encompassing conveniences such as Car Servicing & Maintenance, Vehicle Insurance, 24*7 Help, and RSA Club Cards. The brain behind this establishment is Sagar Joshi, a first-generation entrepreneur who reckoned the potential scopes in the autocare space and led the foundation of RSA AUTO i CARE. "It all started about five years ago. I was running a workshop which was not gaining any major impetus in the market. Things took a positive turn amidst an unfavourable incident when I was on a family trip to Shirdi. Somewhere near Nasik our car broke down at around 2.30 am. Since it was past midnight, no garages were agreeing to entertain our request. The circumstance and the desideratum propelled me to think about a provision that can help people address such situations mostly in the country sides or areas that are isolated. This is when I made up my mind to deliver 24 hours roadside assistance and zeroed in upon creating RSA AUTO i CARE to provide,” narrates Sagar.
What makes it stand out!
This car repair service firm endows a full twenty-four hours service for all 365 days, anytime anywhere. It caters to all major and minor car problems ranging from changing tires, repairing cars to car servicing. Its AUTO i CARE utilities consist of equipped workshops, expert workmanship, free pickup & drop, authentic spares and service warranty, and all of which are advanced at quite reason cost, within a time frame of 20 to 30 minutes. Other auto companies are usually inclined towards being associated with the leading workshops. However, RSA AUTO i CARE has opted for a completely different approach where it collaborates with all local workshops and mechanics only.
The Impressive Progress
The venture made its debut with the identity
What makes it stand out!
This car repair service firm endows a full twenty-four hours service for all 365 days, anytime anywhere. It caters to all major and minor car problems ranging from changing tires, repairing cars to car servicing. Its AUTO i CARE utilities consist of equipped workshops, expert workmanship, free pickup & drop, authentic spares and service warranty, and all of which are advanced at quite reason cost, within a time frame of 20 to 30 minutes. Other auto companies are usually inclined towards being associated with the leading workshops. However, RSA AUTO i CARE has opted for a completely different approach where it collaborates with all local workshops and mechanics only.
The Impressive Progress
The venture made its debut with the identity
of an Autocare which eventually transmuted into an AUTO i CARE and an aggregator in automobile sector, bestowing care to every vehicle. In a span of five years, the company flourished at an accelerating pace under the leadership of Sagar Joshi and his robust team. The responsibility of the up and running of the organization is sensibly assigned amongst the team members who put in their best efforts to draft new futuristic measures that works for the company's wellbeing.

It has established 18000 local garages, arranged road assistance over 50,000 and aggregated with almost all two-wheeler & commercial workshops across the nation (Tier 2 & 3 cities) and is currently working on installing charging stations. The company has secured 49,000 registrations of vendors and expanded its presence to about 980 cities. “I consider myself to be very fortunate to have such innovatory and proficient people as my team. Salman Ansari monitors operations and quality check workshops, SanikaDalvi conducts HR communication tasks along with tracking customer feedback. Shabnam Khan manages all car repair enquiries across INDIA with his team, Their hard work and sincere dedication have to a great extend moulded the fate of RSA AUTO i CARE. And to keep the squad contented we observed a friendly and motivating work culture. In fact, even in the Covid-19 lockdown, we all have worked and executed around 800 services," he states.
For the future, the prime mover is drawing up plans to approach prospective investors, aiming for lucrative expansion of solutions such as car repair funds and EMI. It aims to remain true to its objective which is to equip its customers with best quality services.

It has established 18000 local garages, arranged road assistance over 50,000 and aggregated with almost all two-wheeler & commercial workshops across the nation (Tier 2 & 3 cities) and is currently working on installing charging stations. The company has secured 49,000 registrations of vendors and expanded its presence to about 980 cities. “I consider myself to be very fortunate to have such innovatory and proficient people as my team. Salman Ansari monitors operations and quality check workshops, SanikaDalvi conducts HR communication tasks along with tracking customer feedback. Shabnam Khan manages all car repair enquiries across INDIA with his team, Their hard work and sincere dedication have to a great extend moulded the fate of RSA AUTO i CARE. And to keep the squad contented we observed a friendly and motivating work culture. In fact, even in the Covid-19 lockdown, we all have worked and executed around 800 services," he states.
RSA AUTO i CARE, an automotive service aggregator delivers a gamut of 24hr Car Repair Service & road assistance services
For the future, the prime mover is drawing up plans to approach prospective investors, aiming for lucrative expansion of solutions such as car repair funds and EMI. It aims to remain true to its objective which is to equip its customers with best quality services.