SBC offers a broad spectrum of services that include Detailed 3D Modelling, Clash Detection Services & Resolution, 3D Visualization, Shop Drawing Developments, Design Validation, 4D, 5D, 6D Services, 7D Facility Management & Application, Bill of Material, Re-Building with Point Cloud, Fire Evacuation Services, On-Site Assistance/Support, and BIM Implementation Counselling. The company firmly believes that trust and quality are the two unique tools to run the system. It also provides initial BIM services free of cost till a stipulated time to stamp its quality. The work environment is very friendly yet employees by
The Silver Lining
Big companies' monopoly, financial illiteracy, lack of knowledge post company's creation, lack of business experience, lack of marketing & technological experience, lack of a mentor's guidance, and building trust outside the industry were the biggest roadblocks that SBC faces from their initial months of starting up. The company strongly promotes the tagline, `Positiveness is like gears in a machine, and trust is the lubricant that reduces friction, making it an ideal system.'

It is this belief that helped the company to withstand the tough times and came through with flying colors. "We started off with a couple of projects with a sole objective in mind that client satisfaction and quality delivery is the ultimate prize. Projects multiplied, and soon we transformed from a garage to a 3-floor rented office multiplying resources. Now each of us believes that the future of the company is a technology and innovation that will drive the next step forward," says Arindam Nath Sarkar, Co-Founder, SBC.
SBC is recognized as a one-stop BIM solution provider that has executed 20+ quality projects in a short span of three years across the continuum of verticals including Airports, Hospitals, Stadiums, High Rise, Infrastructure, and others
What's Next?
SBC build quality not only for its clients but for contributing to the global BIM ecosystem. The company is looking forward to advance the BIM implementation services to the next level, primarily focusing on BIM Common Data Environment (CDE) implementation, BIM level 2 implementation, CRM implementation towards business development, HR & payroll management automation services, BIM Artificial Intelligence & Augmented reality, Data Mining & BIM business analytics.