A majority of companies depend largely on external sources for their hiring every time there is a new requirement. They tend not to focus on or value their internal database. As a consequence, they do not even attempt to grow this database leveraging their own brand. Bangalore-based HireWand Technologies brings that technology to help companies leverage their internal database and not be forever dependent on external sources for hiring for all of their requirements.
HireWand has primarily four strata of core technology that comprises of a resume parser to convert resumes in any format to a structured, rated and insightful profile view of the candidate, a matching engine to find the right candidate for a requirement, A BOT that can automatically match the right candidate to the right requirement, check with the candidate for interest and notify the appropriate recruiter and continue to remind them to follow up with the interested, excellent fit candidates and a virtual Assistant for the recruiter or the hiring manager filtering every incoming resume, watching for every interested candidate and reminding the recruiter/hiring manager to take action. These have simplified efforts of companies to perceive simple, consistent and structured view of the candidate along with gathering any additional information from the candidate. Automating the finding of excellent fit, interest elicited candidates from existing and incoming resumes; HireWand Auto builds a candidate pool with resumes received from various sources such as career
HireWand has primarily four strata of core technology that comprises of a resume parser to convert resumes in any format to a structured, rated and insightful profile view of the candidate, a matching engine to find the right candidate for a requirement, A BOT that can automatically match the right candidate to the right requirement, check with the candidate for interest and notify the appropriate recruiter and continue to remind them to follow up with the interested, excellent fit candidates and a virtual Assistant for the recruiter or the hiring manager filtering every incoming resume, watching for every interested candidate and reminding the recruiter/hiring manager to take action. These have simplified efforts of companies to perceive simple, consistent and structured view of the candidate along with gathering any additional information from the candidate. Automating the finding of excellent fit, interest elicited candidates from existing and incoming resumes; HireWand Auto builds a candidate pool with resumes received from various sources such as career
sites, inboxes, referrals, social networks, Application Tracking Software (ATS) databases and more. “It automatically sends out a personalized and targeted email to the candidate for that specific job, stating reasons on why they are a good fit. Only candidates who show interest are shortlisted. The tool filters and matches every single incoming resume with all existing openings and notifies the appropriate recruiter when there is a good fit via our mobile app, the web app, and email and saves recruiters tons of time, effort and eliminates the tedium of repetition,” speaks Shiva Maran, Founder, CEO - HireWand.
HireWand principally targets mid-large size companies where there is a dire need to optimize hiring and these companies have a reasonable size of the existing and incoming set of resumes. “Our SDK platform that is used by other recruitment software to build their own recruitment solution leverages HireWand technology. We believe our technology and capability can help other recruitment solutions to provide value to their clients and can be leveraged with ease,” he says.
HireWand is very focused on a single goal – Finding great candidates from the companies own database, with zero effort
HireWand principally targets mid-large size companies where there is a dire need to optimize hiring and these companies have a reasonable size of the existing and incoming set of resumes. “Our SDK platform that is used by other recruitment software to build their own recruitment solution leverages HireWand technology. We believe our technology and capability can help other recruitment solutions to provide value to their clients and can be leveraged with ease,” he says.

Shiva Maran
Founder & CEO
HireWand is very focused on a single goal – Finding great candidates from the companies own database, with zero effort. With this focus, the company envisages building a matching engine that self-learns the type of candidates you will like for the various roles without even a JD and find those candidates for you. “We will build out our BOT and Virtual Assistant to help remove the manual screening and short listing completely. For scaling our business we will focus on mid-large size companies and staffing/recruitment firms in India, US, English speaking parts of Europe, East Asia and Australia,” he concludes.