
Mental Health Startups 2022

Every one of us is the mind's beloved puppet that attempts to manipulate us by engaging in a complex game, whether good or evil. We now live in a time when we can talk about previously uncomfortable subjects like our feelings and mental health.The days of hiding our mental illnesses are long gone.In this issue of "siliconindia Startup City," we will talk about the "Top 10 Mental Health Startups" who have contributed to the elimination of mental health issues in India.It is now time for those startups to assess and treat your psychological issues, as India is one among the top three countries in terms of serious mental health illness. According to a World Health Organization report, 7.5% of the Indian population suffers from mental illness as per reports. Although, People are avoiding to discuss it even today because it is still considered a "social taboo and many still are terrified in the prospect of being unable to overcome mental health issues by talking about them.

Given the complexity of the issues and the rich prospects in the industry, entrepreneurs have taken on the role of driving the debate forward. Startups intend to take a more balanced approach to health and well being, from connecting citizens with therapists to using AI and smart technology to detect and treat mental illnesses. Those startups are not only capitalising on the opportunity by intervening when people most need their help, but also have found revenue and user growth to establish themselves as a presence in the market. Many industry experts believe that the demand for such services increased as a result of the uncertainty caused by Covid-19, as well as with the rise in anxiety related disorders, depression, and work related stress. Thus, with the assistance of those startups, the “social taboo”surrounding mental health and wellness appears to be dissolving in India, with a large number of people seeking assistance.

Recognizing the impact of health care providers in this thriving space, “silicon indiastartupcity” presents the list of "10 Best Mental Health Startups-2022" that have strived to redefine the health care community with innovative and effective treatments. The following list has been rigorously reviewed by a panel of judges comprised of CXO's industry analysts and the startup city editorial team. Do let us know your thoughts.