
Technology & Preventive Healthcare

The emergence of healthtech firms in India has been accelerated by the dynamic startup culture and the quick uptake of cutting-edge technology like cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI). These firms streamline medical processes by fusing established methods with cutting-edge technology. These businesses are gaining popularity in India as telemedicine and online healthcare delivery enable them to reach a wider market.

In the past ten years, a number of these startups have not only complemented the services provided by traditional hospitals but have also drawn significant investment and developed a following of devoted patrons. There will be 3,548 active startups in the healthtech sector in 2021. According to a research from Inc42, the entrepreneurs in this industry got $2.2 billion in funding over the course of the year through 131 agreements. Today, there are 7,443 HealthTech startups in India.

Additionally, it is anticipated that India's preventive healthcare market will grow to $197 billion by 2025. The rise of startups using technologies like cloud computing, the internet of things (IoT), data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to build and scale their apps is driving growth(ML). The cumulative annual growth rate(CAGR) for preventive healthcare, which includes early diagnoses, health tracking, foods and supplements, and fitness and wellbeing, was 22 percent.

Perhaps more than at any other moment in our history, we are coming to understand the value of technology in providing social services and how it can improve people's quality of life in general. Growing up in India, where the majority has minimal access to basic public amenities like healthcare, one develops an appreciation for the value of enabling such technologies that assist and scale service delivery in the context of developing countries. In this edition we bring together few exceptional healthcare tech providers who are making a whole lot of difference with tech.