
Debt Collection & Recovery Startups: Introducing New-age Approaches in Indian Finance & Banking


Infusion of Technology in Debt Collection – DTC (Debt Collection Technology)

The conventional picture of debt collection and recovery is full of strategic scenes such as continuous phone calls, detached letters, countless manual visits, and so on. But we witness immediate transformation happening in the landscape with the infusion of advanced technologies and techniques in DCT focusing on efficiency, real-time insights, interactive communication & ground-breaking tools, platforms, software, and apps to streamline the whole process of debt collection.

DCT presents advantageous benefits for individuals as well as businesses looking for effective solutions for managing and recovering debts.

Let’s delve into the components, benefits and the positive impacts of DCT for creditors as well as debtors in India.

Automated Communication Systems: The distillation of automation in debt recovery and management includes automating the emails, calls, and whatsapp messages to make the interactive contact with borrowers. Significantly, the technology of Workflow automation brings the vital impression in scaling the recovery and management of debts through systematizing the everyday tasks and activities such as generating invoices, setting remainders, and follow ups.

Predictive Data Analytics: In order to predict and project the behavior of the debtor and asses the probable time of repayment, now businesses utilize predictive analysis tools and models to crack the real-time insights and historical data of the individual. This risk assessment-focused incorporation of data analytics contains estimating the borrower’s trustability and creditworthiness to plan and boost the dynamic debt collection strategies. This can be attained through analyzing the customer profiles and earlier data of the debtor thoroughly.

Multichannel Communication Channels: Harnessing multi-channel communication is the one-stop solution to maximize the engagement rate with debtors. It is achieved by utilizing diverse digital platforms for sending text messages, e-mails, personalized texts, and phone calls. Today, businesses are leveraging the significance of incorporating AI-driven Chatbots and virtual assistants to facilitate the collaborative communication and engagement that helps to generate preliminary debt resolution.

Managing Risks & Compliances: In debt recovery and collection, keeping the record of proper regulatory and legal requirements is supreme. There are many platforms that are automating the processes of legal processes with the help of advanced technologies and real-time data that deploys inventive strategies to redefine the mode of legal essentials including automating the legal notices, tracking & management of critical cases, and generate resolutions for digital disputes & suit filing. Overall, the technology disruption aids the businesses & individuals to pilot the legal complications.