
Debt Collection & Recovery Startups: Introducing New-age Approaches in Indian Finance & Banking


Promising Impact of DCT in India

Bringing prospective impacts for lenders as well as borrowers, the modern debt collection and recovery platforms are playing a significant role in financial system of India. Their foremost impact stands in upholding strong liquidity and financial stability for banking and lending institutions which augments the overall health of the Indian economy. Through making sure on-time debt-dues collection and recovery, these debt collecting bodies lends enormous support for banks, businesses, and financial organizations to lessen the NPAs – non-performing assets for preserving functional viability and capability to encompass additional crediting activities.

Furthermore, the cutting-edge collection and recovery platforms harnesses the power of technology to improve the experience and mental peace of debtors through exhibiting reduced disturbing interactions and cultivating increased convenient communications.

The activity of personalizing the debt recovery interactions with appropriate details of borrower like name, debt, repayment, and interest amount in regional languages unleashes another level of customer connection and builds trust on the financial body.

The interruption of AI-driven voicebots, chatbots, and virtual assistants in debt collection is boosting confidence in borrower’s end. At the same time, it also permits the lenders and banks to minimize their operational cost which replaces the high-cost manpower with human-like AI-driven phone calls with debtors.

From leveraging the digital channels for speedy financial repayment to bridging the gap between lenders and debtors, the digital debt collection and recovery platforms accurately driving efficiency, capacity, credibility, and economic stability to generate healthy financial environment in India

Also these platforms deploy the advanced customer relationship management tools and software to foster more empathetic method of debt collection without affecting the dignity of borrowers through preserving positive relationship between the lender and borrower. This optimistic shift towards user-focused approach cuts down the avoidance in repayments and ensures better and timely submissions.