Is Technology in all sense a Boon!

Millions and millions of dollars are being put into this high-end automation without even realising the possible consequences that it can have. AI can be a dangerous tool and poses risks for humanity. In one of the interviews, Elon Musk commented about the potential dangers of AI by saying that it is more dangerous than nuclear weapons and is a fundamental risk to the human civilisation.
Artificial Intelligence has started to control every sector of the economy from healthcare to education. We cannot always trust a machine with
the detection of diseases and teaching our children. Notable people like Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking have talked about the potential risks that this new technology holds at various occasions.
1.Weapons can become more dangerous
We live in a place where cars can drive on their own and drones can fly by itself. Such machines can be manipulated to do something dangerous and cause more harm to people. If it ends up being in the wrong hands, AI can prove to be of more destruction than cooperative.
2.Invasion of privacy and increase in crime rates
With all our information being online, our every move can be tracked and noticed. The invasion of privacy and availability of too much information can lead to dire consequences for a person. Scams and crimes on the name of other people would be easily undertaken.
3. A machine does not always know what to do
It is true that our machines have become powerful and has the capability of performing any human tasks but they are not always reliable. There will be situations when the machine would not know what to do and this could create a problem.
4. The era of fake news
Journalism is also being controlled by this automation. With the introduction of AI controlled news anchor, we have come to the new phase of media. But, this can be harmful as with the help of AI, creating fake news would be much easier. The video of Barack Obama which looks realistic but is entirely fake created by the AI researchers at the University of Washington is a good example of the same.
AI is expanding day by day with investments being made in the sector. While the advancing technology has a lot for us in the future, we should also be aware about the destructive potential that it holds.
1.Weapons can become more dangerous
We live in a place where cars can drive on their own and drones can fly by itself. Such machines can be manipulated to do something dangerous and cause more harm to people. If it ends up being in the wrong hands, AI can prove to be of more destruction than cooperative.
2.Invasion of privacy and increase in crime rates
With all our information being online, our every move can be tracked and noticed. The invasion of privacy and availability of too much information can lead to dire consequences for a person. Scams and crimes on the name of other people would be easily undertaken.
3. A machine does not always know what to do
It is true that our machines have become powerful and has the capability of performing any human tasks but they are not always reliable. There will be situations when the machine would not know what to do and this could create a problem.
4. The era of fake news
Journalism is also being controlled by this automation. With the introduction of AI controlled news anchor, we have come to the new phase of media. But, this can be harmful as with the help of AI, creating fake news would be much easier. The video of Barack Obama which looks realistic but is entirely fake created by the AI researchers at the University of Washington is a good example of the same.
AI is expanding day by day with investments being made in the sector. While the advancing technology has a lot for us in the future, we should also be aware about the destructive potential that it holds.